Over time the group that evolved into Cedar Cohousing has gone by another name and had web pages at 3 different domains. For a while the group used the domain http://www.bassettcreek.us/
It is archived 16 times between October 6, 2017 and December 6, 2018 at archive.org aka the wayback machine
For example: Oct 2017 bassettcreek.us Below is Fred's mostly text original page for: Bassett Creek Cohousing, Minneapolis, MN. Last substantial update May 2018 (Archived 15 times between January 19, 2017 and April 29, 2020 at archive.org Earliest blog entry: 9-15-2016)
About Cohousing - general, MN resources Blog Events Contact
--- Recent News --- This site (Fred's Bcrk site) has considerable background and detailed information.Bassett Creek Valley
Click to enlarge - may need to use control minus to see key in upper right It takes a village to raise a child ... and for adults to live great lives Other maps of Bassett Creek Valley: BCV map with bike routes (green lines) BCV at Google maps (zoomable)
Bassett Creek Cohousing is a proposed community as of 2018 in the area at the north end of the new Van White Bridge over Bassett Creek in Minneapolis, MN, known as Bassett Creek Valley (BCV). The bridge is actually two bridges and connecting roadway over the creek, a railroad track, bike path and public works facility. It opened in 2013 to make the area more accessible. This area has potential for cohousing. See also About Bassett Creek Valley section 1) considerable land that could be redeveloped tho much of it is suitable for non-housing 2) land not yet in high demand so not too pricey yet 3) good location, close to: . downtown Minneapolis . Loring Park area via new bridge (Walker art center, Dunwoody, Hennepin Av S) . Light Rail Transit (LRT) station on proposed SW LRT (at south end of bridge) . LRT station on proposed Blue Line Extension on Hwy 55 at Van White Blvd . Bus Rapid Transit (BRT - C Line) that is planned for 2019 for Hwy 55 may shift to Glenwood when Blue Line Ext LRT built (2021) . partial interchange with I-394 (to/from the west) at south end of bridge
. 100 unit Artspace development being developed at James Av N and 2nd Av N (N half of old Leef Bros. site - purple "A" on map) Looking east toward downtown along 2nd. Click image to enlarge Artspace organization . Just a few blocks down Cedar Lake Rd is the heart of the Bryn Mawr neighborhood -- Penn Av and Cedar Lake Rd including coffee shop and restaurant etc See Map links by small map above. 4) great supportive neighborhood group Harrison Neighborhood Association (HNA) 5) The Harrison Neighborhood where BCV is located has socio-economically challenges, some would call it a "bad" area. But "bad" is in the eye of the beholder, I'd call it a diverse neighborhood and it is changing. The potential listed above will change the neighborhood, hopefully without forcing current residents out (gentrification) and a cohousing community could be part of improving the neighborhood. Videos and images used at Fall/Winter 2017 Bassett Creek Cohousing Informational meetings Community TV interview with Fred Olson about cohousing and Bassett Creek Cohousing (30 Minutes) Brian Pastarr Podcast about cohousing Happiness and Finding Co-Housing Near Bryn Mawr By Brian PaStarr in Bryn Mawr Bugle (page 9)
Bassett Creek Cohousing Vision and Values Statement
Bassett Creek Cohousing, a multi-generational urban community, is founded on the principles of participatory decision-making and problem solving. Each member contributes his/her talents to enable personal and community well being as well as care of the environment. Our community will include about 30 eco-friendly residences. Each household will have a private kitchen as well as access to shared facilities in a Common House with a large kitchen and dining area where we can cook together and share meals several times a week. The Common House will include meeting spaces and workspaces where we can share tools and talents. Gardening will be available to the extent the site allows and maybe in nearby community gardens. Pets will be welcome. This will be a tobacco/smoke free property. Our Values o Welcoming to all o Interdependence o Mutual respect, support, compassion o Community and privacy o Stewardship of the environment o Healthy living o Sustainability o Emphasis on alternative transportation o Active participation in the surrounding neighborhoods o Containment of construction and operating costs Fred's vision for Bassett Creek Cohousing has been moved to 10/1/16 blog entry
As of October 2017 Bassett Creek Cohousing has not built any housing and has not decided on a design. We looked at a site (the "Triangle site") with a willing seller but that site is looking unlikely due to soil contamination we do not think we can deal with. As of April 2018 we are looking at other possible sites in the greater Bassett Creek Valley area (in Minneapolis within a mile, mostly north of the creek west of downtown). We are concentrating on building our membership. Preliminary design from Open Architecture for 25 unit cohousing community on the Triangle July 2017 (14 page pdf). Given site sizes available our eventual design seem likely to be similar to this design - about 3 stories, "single loaded corridor" overlooking courtyard and connected to common house. Images of built cohousing communities from which we might draw design inspiration have been moved to a separate page: Cohousing Designs About Bassett Creek Valley (BCV) The future, for Bassett Creek Valley, is slow to arrive Dec 2015 article from Bryn Mawr neighborhood's newspaper. Van White Bridge: Seeking the right timing and price 2011 article about the then yet to be built bridge. Long overlooked, area's proximity to downtown Minneapolis gains momentum Nov 5, 2016 Star Tribune article about the area. Bassett Creek Valley Master Plan 2006 prepared for Bassett Creek Valley Redevelopment Oversight Committee (ROC) which was formed by the city council in 2000 with representatives from various groups including HNA & BMNA. see page iv & v of chapter 1-3. Harrison Neighborhood Association (HNA) and its Glenwood Revitalization Team Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association (BMNA) Bassett Creek Valley Master Plan 2006 West Market District, business association along Glenwood Ave. Southwest Light Rail Transit Blue Line Extension. C Line bus rapid transit which may go on Glenwood after LRT (Green Line Extension) on Olson Highway opens Friends of Bassett Creek
About Cohousing - General and other MN resources: Moved to Resources
Upcoming events are now announced at Events at www.bassettcreek.us (See sub-items of "Events" menu item there.) See also Blog at www.bassettcreek.us Winter 2017-2018 __ Triangle unlikely :) . The Triangle site is looking unlikely for Bassett Creek Cohousing due to soil contamination issues. See comment at WHAT IT MIGHT LOOK LIKE section (above) Fall 2017 __ Videos and images used at 2017 Bassett Creek Cohousing Informational meetings . 9-8-2017 __ Informational meeting Sun Sep 24 7-8:30pm . First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis 900 Mt Curve Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403 http://www.firstunitarian.org Come see current plans for Bassett Creek Cohousing and whether it might be right for you. 7-8-2017 __ Next meeting Monday July 17th . Bassett Creek Cohousing meeting will be Mon Jul 17 6:30pm First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403 http://www.firstunitarian.org More info: Fred or Becca 612-588-9532 6-18-2017 __ Next meeting Monday Jun 26th . The Next Bassett Creek Cohousing meeting will be Monday Jun 26 at 7pm at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 Contact Fred for details 612-588-9532 Note that is will NOT be a potluck tho you are welcome to bring something to eat. The agenda will include our membership agreement and hiring a cohousing development consultant. 5-15-2017 __ Next meeting Sunday June 11th . Our next mini potluck / meeting will be: Sunday May 7th 5pm again at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 4-16-2017 __ Next meeting May 7th . Our next core group mini potluck / meeting will be: Sunday May 7th 5pm again at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 Easter and other committee meetings resulted in date. 4-09-2017 __ Next meeting Apr 9th . Our next core group meeting will be: Sunday Apr 9 5pm again starting with a mini potluck at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 3-15-2017 __ Next meeting Mar 26th . Our next core group meeting will be: Sunday Mar 26 5pm again starting with a mini potluck at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 2-23-2017 __ North News article about Bcrk . North News article about Bassett Creek Cohousing Feb 23, 2017 Page 10 2-21-2017 __ Next meeting Mar 12th / GIB postponed . Our next core group meeting will be: Sunday Mar 12 5pm again starting with a mini potluck at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 Be sure to be on Mt Curve not the Groveland entrance even tho the Groveland entrance has a sign "900 Mt Curve Ave". There are no steps to the correct entrance. POSTPONED: The weekend long "Getting It Built" workshop with experts Chuck Durrett and Katie McCamant WILL NOT BE HELD March 4 & 5, 2017. ( It may be held later. ) There will be an introduction to cohousing presentation by local folks Friday March 3rd at By The Rivers Center 690 Cleveland Ave. S, St. Paul, MN 55116 2-07-2017 __ Next meeting Feb 19th . Our next core group meeting will be: Sunday Feb 19 5pm at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 1-19-2017 __ Next meeting Feb 5th . Our next core group meeting will be: Sunday Feb 5 6pm at First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt Curve Ave, 55403 Twin Cities Cohousing Network (TCCN) will have its everyother month gathering for all people interested in cohousing in the Twin Cities on Thur. Feb 2 see Twin Cities Cohousing Network There is a weekend long "Getting It Built" workshop being planned with cohousing experts Chuck Durrett and Katie McCamant for March 4 & 5, 2017. see Twin Cities Cohousing Network and Getting It Built flyer Friday March 3rd McCamant and Durrett will be giving a free public presentation: Friday flyer 1-06-2017 __ January 2017 update . Our next core group meeting will be: Wed., Jan 18, 2017 about 6:30pm probably with an option to eat together. For location, check back here or contact Fred or Becca for details: 612-588-9532 fholson@cohousing.org We have decided to meet twice per month tho we have not established a regular schedule yet. We will continue to get to know each other and discuss our personal values. There are 22 email addresses of interested people on our list now. Our two meetings so far have had about 10 people present. We continue with: * defining the project * vision statement * organizational issues We are in the curious position of having a potential site and development partner before we have a well organized core group. Usually or at least theoretically core groups get organized and then pursue sites and development. We have a site development sub committee working on these issues. Dale Joel, the retired Minneapolis developer who has been helping the Twin Cities Cohousing Network (TCCN) has been of great assistance. 12-01-2016 __ Site visit images -- Later site proved unlikely (park owned) .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12-22-2016 __ SW LRT second stop from downtown will be the "Bassett Creek Valley" stop . SW LRT final design to commence 11-28-2016 __ Next Bassett Creek core group meeting Wed Dec 14 . The next Bassett Creek Cohousing core group meeting Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:30pm at The Living Room, 1716 Glenwood Av, Mpls Info: Fred or Becca 612-588-9532 or fholson@cohousing.org 11-06-2016 __ First Bassett Creek core group meeting Nov 16 / Strib article . The first Bassett Creek Cohousing core group meeting (starting with a site tour) will be Wed Nov 16, 2016 5pm to 8pm at The Living Room, 1716 Glenwood Av, Mpls Info: Fred or Becca 612-588-9532 or fholson@cohousing.org Core groups are the future residents who meet to plan the community. There was an Nov 5, 2016 Star Tribune article about the area: Long overlooked, area's proximity to downtown Minneapolis gains momentum 10-1-16 __ Fred's vision for that Bassett Creek Cohousing . This list written by Fred Olson based on preliminary discussion with a variety of people - not accepted by a resident group (yet). I realize achieving all this would be a challenge but I believe in aiming for what you really want and compromising with reality later. 1) intergenerational but senior friendly as well as kid friendly with playground, play areas 2) affordability: short term AND long term by: . relatively low cost land . a variety size units maybe including "tiny house" inspired units . low energy cost via passive house inspired construction . organized as a limited equity cooperative or maybe as a Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (PREC) to restrain rising location costs . design to minimize transportation costs - near the heart of Minneapolis and transit - bike parking room, near bike routes, near Venture North community bike / coffee shop - minimize area devoted to cars - keep on edge of site as is cohousing practice - car sharing to minimize number and cost of cars . See also Chris ScottHanson's Creating More Affordability in Your Community particularly points 10-13 3) environmentally friendly, energy efficient (shouldn't all cohousing?) 4) diversity of income, race, gender preferences etc 5) connections with diverse surrounding neighborhood including common house that can serve neighbors some 6) possible design features - see section below 09-15-2016 __ The "father" of US cohousing, Chuck Durrett, spoke in Minneapolis . to 130 people on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7pm at the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis 900 Mt Curve Ave, Minnepolis (just south of Walker Art Center) For followup events see, Twin Cities Cohousing Network Chuck and his wife, Katie McCammant who is also an architect , brought the idea of cohousing to the US with their book first published in 1988. They have designed over 50 of the 150 cohousing communites in the US.Contact: Email: bcrk [at] cohousing.org or call Fred or Becca at 612-588-9532
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